Friday, December 12, 2008

Construction Safety Supervisor - What Supervisor Safety Training Involves

By Christine OKelly

The main purpose of a construction safety supervisor position is to ensure everyone is safe while on the job. The required supervisor safety training is extensive, but it will provide the individual with all of the information and skills he will need to do the job effectively. This includes preventative measures, treatment, and dealing with the after effects of an incident.

The Role Of A Construction Safety Supervisor
This position is based on OH&S requirements, but it involves far more than that. This person needs to be familiar with all of the operations and procedures within a job. Adequate supervisor safety training allows him to identify potential problems and find the ideal solutions. This individual needs to act as a representative of the company as well as of the employees in order to keep each project safe, yet be cost effective and efficient.

He needs to perform his duties while acting as a role model for others. This not only teaches others on the team how to keep the workplace safe, but it also makes these procedures part of the atmosphere and company culture. This produces long-term results rather than a short-term solution.

Components Of Supervisor Safety Training
Anyone wishing to take the courses required to become a construction safety supervisor needs to become familiar with several genres of regulations and requirements. Loss control, hazard identification, methods of limiting hazards, WHMIS, and leadership are all areas that make up the educational core.

Several other areas of education are also helpful for attaining certification. Confined space entry, fall protection, and Transportation of Dangerous Goods or (TDG) all work with certain procedures and situations. Classes such as Temporary Workplace Signing, Accident Investigation, Traffic Control, and Site Inspection or Hazard Assessment further expand the individual's knowledge of the prevention and aftermath of various situations.

The Benefits Of Supervisory Positions
A construction safety supervisor is an integral part of any workplace. When keeping employees protected through the proper education and programs, businesses experience a higher moral and general improvement in productivity, reducing employee turnover and increasing profits. Many companies notice the individuals in their employ often become closer as a result. There is also a notable reduction in the amount of Worker's Compensation Board claims and legal situations, further reducing the costs to the company.

When the supervising individual is familiar with the procedures and projects on the ground, he can often see areas that need improvement because he is actually working in the situation rather than observing. This leads to alternative solutions that heighten the safety of the job while solving problems the company may have struggled with previously.

Quality safety supervisor training is necessary for any construction company. You can rest easy knowing that your workers are safe, the job is being performed efficiently, and you can take pride in the added productivity a knowledgeable construction safety supervisor can bring to your business.

Christine O'Kelly is an author for the supervisor safety training experts, Code Red Safety & Rental. In addition to offering training as a construction safety supervisor, they offer a full range of staffing, safety training, and services.

1 comment:

  1. Workers, supervisors and companies who are involved in the business of transporting goods and cargo that can be dangerous can take TDG training online. This will educate them about everything that they would need to know in doing their jobs properly, safely and efficiently.
